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Opera becomes the first web browser to offer a built-in Free, unlimited and 256-bit encrypted VPN service for everyone.
Opera's Free VPN protects unencrypted browser session from leaking on public WiFi networks and will also let unblock firewalls to improve privacy and security.
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become an important tool not just for large companies, but also for individuals to improve web privacy, dodge content restrictions and counter growing threat of cyber attacks.
Opera has released an updated desktop version of its web browser with a Free built-in VPN service to keep you safe on the Internet with just a click. That's a great deal!
For those unfamiliar, VPNs are easy security and privacy tools that route your Internet traffic through a distant connection, protecting your browsing, hiding your location data and accessing restricted resources.
Free VPN Service with Unlimited Data Usage
Unlike several other free VPN services, Opera's built-in free VPN service will offer you unlimited data usage as well. You just have to turn on a virtual switch in the Settings menu to enable the feature.
So you required to install no third-party extensions, pay no monthly fee as well as set no limit on data usage. "By adding a free, unlimited VPN directly into the browser, no additional download or extensions from an unknown third-party provider are necessary," Opera's engineering chief Krystian Kolondra wrote in a blog post.
"So, today, our Opera desktop users get a handy way to boost their online privacy, as well as easier access to all their favorite online content no matter where they are."
Opera's Free VPN Offers 256-bit Encryption
Opera's Free VPN service uses 256-bit encryption to hide all your connection details and replaces your IP address with a virtual one, making it difficult for the government or anyone to trace your location, identify your computer or block content they do not want you to see
To give Opera's Free VPN a try, install the latest developer version of Opera for Windows and Mac, look for the 'Privacy & Security' tab and toggle this feature ON.
Since Operas Free VPN service is available in the latest developer version of Opera, the service lets you switch between three virtual locations: The United States, Canada, and Germany.
However, the company says it will add more countries in the stable version of its browser.
Love All: Maria Sharapova's candy brand, Sugarpova, launches a line of chocolate bars
The new chocolate bars come in four different flavours and will be sold by retailers in the US and Europe.

A few of you might not know that Maria Sharapova, the world's richest female athlete with a net worth of $29.5 million, runs a booming candy business as well. Her candy brand, Sugarpova (established in 2012) combining Sharapova and her love for all things sweet, is popular among candy-lovers on both sides of the Atlantic. Now the Russian tennis star's brand has launched a new line of chocolate bars.

Sharapova and her team have been posting photos and videos on social media to promote the chocolate bars, and it is quite evident that she was actively involved at every stage of creating the new line. The photos indicate that she even indulged in a bar of chocolate before making her sizzling appearance at the Met Gala in New York earlier this month
According to a CNN report, Sugarpova's chocolate bars come in four different flavours--Milk, Dark, Milk with Strawberry and Dark with Toasted Coconuts--and will be sold by retailers in the US and Europe at the end of this month. The bars will be priced between $4.99 and $5.99. While the launch is being criticised for its bad timing (Sharapova was provisionally banned from playing in March 2016, and global concerns about obesity, especially in North America, make the new line controversial), it's doubtful that the chocolate bars won't do well in the market.
It's a bit disappointing to find that Sharapova fans in India won't be able to have these chocolates (unless they get their NRI friends and family to send some from abroad). We hope Sugarpova starts retailing in India soon so that we can bite into one of these delicious chocolate bars

10 Tips I Used To Make $20,316.64 With Amazon
’ve been using Amazon’s affiliate program for a little over two years and during that time I’ve had a lot of success with it. In fact, this income source
Top 20 Ways To Make Money With Amazon Associates:1. Niche Selection Is Crucial
I’ll get to the actual methods I use on my websites in the next tips, but the first thing I want to say is that the niche you choose is the absolute most important decision you can make.
I love to target physical product focused niches and keywords
It’s easiest to make money using Amazon’s affiliate program if the people coming to your website are looking for a specific product that your website discusses. It’s more difficult to use a website like my blog here and make money linking to physical products because the people coming here are looking for advice on how to earn money online – not what iPod speakers they should buy.
4. Link To Amazon.com As Many Times Possible
I alluded to this in the previous few tips but I want to make sure you understand that each link inside one of your articles is another opportunity for a visitor to click through and make their way onto Amazon.com.
It’s common for me to link to Amazon five to ten times in a single article (more if I’m doing a product review).
The Ethical Way to Earn Money Online (Even If You Have Nothing to Sell)
Don’t worry. You can admit it.
You secretly wish your blog was more than just a hobby.
But it’s costing you more than it earns. And that’s the hallmark of a hobby, not a serious endeavor.
Even if you have no desire to transform your blog into a business, you’d like it to at least pay its way, right?
Because blogging costs are many – web hosting, email lists, domain renewals, social media tools. They all cost money – and every month your blog comes up short.
Of course, you already know one popular option for monetizing your blog – you could create a product. But you just don’t feel ready yet. And besides, creating and promoting a product takes time.
What you need right now is a way to earn a little money from your blog without a ton of work.
Fortunately, a way exists that’s highly effective, requires little ramp-up time, and is used by some of the most respected names on the web.
Many bloggers have heard of it, but for a silly reason completely ignore it…
Why Most Bloggers Ignore the Easiest Way to Earn Money from Their Blogs If you don’t have a product to sell, one of the best ways to earn money from your blog is to sell products that other people have created.
It’s usually referred to as affiliate marketing. Here’s how it works…
You introduce your readers to a product, and if they happen to make a purchase as a result of your introduction, you get a commission as a thank you.
It’s pretty simple, but you’d be hard pressed to find a topic that inspires as many strong opinions.
Some revere it; some despise it.
Some use it; some abuse it.
But you don’t consider it because hawking someone else’s products has always felt, well…
A little bit sleazy.
You see some other bloggers doing it, and you can’t help but feel they’re just in it to make some fast cash and couldn’t give a damn about their audiences.
But here’s the straight-up truth:
When done the right way, affiliate marketing is one of the most powerful ways to earn some money from your blog and actually help your audience.
The Living Proof That Affiliate Marketing Doesn’t Have to be Sleazy Do some people abuse affiliate marketing for their own gain? People who will do – and say – anything for a quick sale? Sure.
But for as long as people having been selling things to other people, unscrupulous operators have always lurked on the fringes.
And you won’t have to look far to find such operators in the world of affiliate marketing.
That said, affiliate marketing is also used by some of the most ethical people you’ll find in blogging and online marketing.
People like Pat Flynn. John Lee Dumas. Even, yup, you already knew it – Jon Morrow, the man behind this very blog.
All three of these massively popular and respected bloggers promote affiliate products as a way of earning more revenue from their blogs.
How are they able to do so, while also maintaining an enviably close relationship with their audiences?
After interviewing both Pat Flynn and Jon Lee Dumas, and carefully dissecting one of Jon Morrow’s finely crafted promotional affiliate emails, I’ve put together five golden rules for earning money from affiliate marketing and staying squeaky clean.
Not only do these five rules give you an ethical blueprint for affiliate marketing, but they also provide a system for building long-term trust with your audience.
Rule #1: Start with the Right Question
Here’s the number one question most bloggers ask themselves when they start exploring affiliate marketing.
“What product should I promote?”
Unfortunately, it’s totally the wrong question. It will either:
Freeze you in your tracks, or
Lead you down a slow road to ruin.
The question you should ask instead is this: “What is my audience trying to accomplish?”
Answering that question will point you toward the products, tools, and resources that will help your audience accomplish what they desire.
If you don’t already know the answer, finding out is much simpler than it sounds. All you have to do is come right out and ask them.
The first time I ever built an email list, I added a simple P.S. to the auto-response email they received right after signing up:
P.S. I’d love to hear more about you and your business! What do you do, and how can I help? Hit “Reply” to this email and let’s chat. Your response will go to my personal inbox instead of a robot. :-)
Simple, conversational – and a surprisingly large percentage of people took the time to write back and tell me exactly what they needed help with. You can incorporate this type of P.S. into any email you send to your list, or you can even send them a dedicated email.
Once you understand the needs your audience has, ask yourself: “What products will help them achieve that?”
Rule #2: Never Promote a Product You Don’t Use
One of the worst dinner parties I’ve ever been to centered around a pork belly dish the host had never tried making before.
Rather than going with a recipe he loved and had cooked before, he went with something brand new from a random blog he’d only just found.
The party itself wasn’t bad, but the food most definitely was. Fortunately, everyone was able to laugh about it.
Offering a product to your audience sight unseen, risks a similar catastrophe. And your readers might not be as forgiving as those dinner party guests.
Think about it – would you recommend to a friend a restaurant you’ve never visited? Would you put your in-laws up in a hotel in a strange part of town you don’t know? (Well, depending on your in-laws, maybe you would! But you get the picture.)
Just as you normally wouldn’t do those things, you should never promote a product you haven’t used.
As Pat Flynn says, “Before deciding to actually promote it as an affiliate, it’s always best to use that product first so you can understand the user experience that THEIR PRODUCT will provide for YOUR AUDIENCE. You have to understand what that’s like because the trust that you have with your audience is the most important thing in the world.”
Using a product that you recommend also opens the door for a better way to promote that product, according to John Lee Dumas:
The most effective way to promote affiliate products is to have genuine success USING the affiliate products. Recently, I was the number 2 affiliate for the launch of Easy Webinar. The reason I was able to have such a successful launch is because my audience saw me using their platform to run streaming webinars 7 days a week and report the results via our income reports. Fire Nation trusts us and the results we have, and it turned out to be a total win win! The results you’ve personally achieved with a product speak louder than anything else and can save you from having to be too “salesy” with your audience. At LeadPages, we’ve found that the best affiliates are always the ones who truly love using the product and believe in its value, which is one of the reasons why the affiliate program is exclusive to customers.No sales pitch in the world can outperform a story of personal success from a person the audience trusts.
Rule #3: Pick a Product That Builds Their Trust
Many bloggers choose a product based on the commission structure – how much it pays, whether it’s recurring, etc.It might sound like greed, but more likely whenever they ask their readers to buy something, they feel like they’re asking for a favor. And since you can’t ask favors too often, they figure they might as well make as much money as they can when they do.
But that’s totally the wrong way to look at it. Promoting a product is not a withdrawal from the “trust bank.” It’s a deposit – if you choose the right product.
According to Pat Flynn, commission levels shouldn’t factor into the decision you make to promote a product as an affiliate: It’s not about the commission… it’s whether or not that product will completely help your target audience. You’ll have more click-throughs, more conversions, and more trust with your audience. Pat’s answer hints at an often-overlooked benefit of making a successful affiliate sale – if your audience buys the product through you and has a great experience with the product, their purchasing trust in you increases. To put it simply, they’ll more likely buy from you in the future, whether you’re recommending another affiliate product or launching your own.
And even if they don’t buy from you again, you’ll have strengthened the relationship by introducing them to a product they love.
So when analyzing affiliate opportunities, consider more than just the amount you’ll make off each sale. Consider how many outstanding experiences you can create and, ultimately, how much trust you can build.
If you get a sizeable commission – great. If the commissions are recurring – even better. But consider these details bonuses or cherries on top rather than key factors that guide your decision-making.
Rule #4: Promote Valuable Free Content, Not the Product
Even when a product is outstanding and you’ve achieved great results with it, directly asking your audience to purchase it can sometimes be daunting.Luckily, many product creators also develop high-value free resources for you to promote instead – resources that ultimately tie into an offer to buy one of their products.
Usually, they work like this:
You send your audience (via a unique link) to a free resource created by a second party that will teach them something valuable (a free video course, for example).
After going through the free resource, they will be sent an offer to purchase a more expansive, related product. If they purchase that product, you receive a commission.
Recently, John Lee Dumas made his affiliates very happy by offering exactly this type of free resource. As he said: It may seem to go against the grain, but free is proving to be incredibly valuable for our affiliates in 2015. With the launch of FreePodcastCourse.com and TheWebinarCourse.com, our affilates are now able to offer their audience a completely free and very valuable product that doesn’t require an intial investment. Both of the courses are great funnels into our paid communities, but only after delivering massive value.If you’ve been following Boost Blog Traffic for a while, you’ve even occasionally seen these offers for yourself. Back in January 2015, Jon Morrow sent out an email recommending a new free video series from Danny Iny of Firepole Marketing about building online courses.
The video series had tons of value for anyone interested in building a product, but it also acted as an on-ramp for people to register an interest in Danny’s paid product.
Jon’s email to his list is an excellent example of how to promote this kind of offer in a way that is 100% transparent and keeps your audience’s best interests in mind.
So let’s take a look at a few of the finer points…
First, Jon introduced Danny as one of the best online course experts he knows: Danny has made almost as much money as me from online courses. And to be frank, I’m intensely jealous of his Superman T-shirt (watch the videos, and you’ll see what I mean).
What’s more, he’s a smart dude, a great teacher, and a standup guy. I have absolutely zero problem recommending him.In lieu of me, he’s the absolute best guy you can go to for this information. Maybe the only guy.
So, go watch the videos.
This segment of the email does something very important – it tells Jon’s audience, “I know Danny. I trust Danny. He will add value to what you do.” Jon is letting us know that he follows and trusts Danny’s advice, and we can too. In a sense, Danny is the product, and Jon’s recommendation is based on his personal experience with Danny.
Next, and perhaps most importantly, Jon is 100% transparent in acting as an affiliate for the course that will be coming out: To be totally transparent, I’m also partnering with Danny, so if you buy anything, it benefits me. That’s just another sign of how much I believe in him, though. I only partner with the best of the best. This leaves no questions in the audience’s minds about Jon’s motivation for promoting the course. He takes control of the conversation and let’s them know that, yes, he will make some money if they buy, but that’s not his primary motivation for sharing the series with them. Last but not least, Jon signs off with a sentence that takes any remaining pressure off: If you’re interested, take a look at the free videos and then decide for yourself. And if not, I’ll be back with another great blog post for you shortly.
This leaves the decision entirely in the reader’s hands, with no pushiness. It’s the opposite of that word that makes so many bloggers cringe: salesy. In fact, Jon’s subtly saying: “Whether you buy Danny’s product or not, it’s not going to affect your relationship with me.” So if you’re looking for a way to ease into promoting affiliate offers, take a cue from Jon and find out if the product you’d like to sell as an affiliate has relevant free resources you can promote instead.Rule #5: Create Your Own Collateral
Of course, promoting free resources isn’t the only way to promote affiliate products without being salesy.
Let’s take Pat Flynn as an example. He’s been wildly successful promoting paid products on his website, SmartPassiveIncome.com.

A Beginner's Guide to Clickbank

My Start with Using Amazons Affiliate Program

The Ultimate Guide to Making Money with the Amazon Affiliate Program?

11 Lessons I Learned Earning $118,235.45 from Amazon Associates Program

eBay Business System - Learn How to Sell on eBay: The Complete eBay Marketing System

How Much Does It Cost And Is There Any Other Investment?

I Have Very Little Computer or Internet skills –Can I Really Do This?

How much time will I have to Invest as an Amazon Affiliate?

What Will I Learn About Being an Amazon Affiliate?
- Finding a niche –or several niches
- How to select the best niche
- How and which products to select within a niche to maximize conversions
- How to set up a website or blog that attracts traffic (don't worry – there are no technical skills required)
- How to create your affiliate links
- How to use Amazon widgets (powerful selling tools)
- How to maximize commissions
- Quick & Easy website Builder
- Driving free traffic to your site
- How and where to find free content for your site
- Using social networks to promote your affiliate links
- How to create your own Amazon Store loaded with affiliate commission generating products
- And much-much more….. So that is just some of the information we will cover in the book.

How to join the Create affiliate program and start earning money through referrals
If you love Create and recommend us to your friends (or indeed anyone), you can earn some commission for each recommendation!
The Create Affiliate Program allows you to earn 10% commission on all subscription payments for each paying customer you refer to Create using the program. What's more, this lasts for as long as that customer stays with our service, so you'll just keep on earning money. There is no limit to how many subscribers you can refer!
In this guide we will be covering how you can join our Affiliate Program, how to get your banners or links, how you can promote your Affiliate link and some frequently asked questions.

Make Money With The Amazon Affiliate Program

Can you really make significant money using affiliate marketing?
Okay, I am going to fasten my belt, because I do expect of whiplash from this answer. I apologize for the grammar or sentence cohesion - its late whilst I type this, so I could be off.
The short answer is: NO!
I have never come across an affiliate marketeer who is making a significant income from it and is willing to share this proof with me.
Not one. Ever.Been 4+ years in the hunt and I know my fair share of affiliate marketeers.
I have personally been banned from forums like www.warriorforum.com because I specifically challenged all those so called gurus who were selling their work for $97, or $47 or $27 (and made $100,000s from it), to show me proof.
The only proof I wanted was either a video recording of them entering their PayPal account or Bank Account statement that was showing the same.
Never got it.I suggested many other options/alternatives to them to validate their wild income claims, only to get booted time and time again. yes, I tried under various IDs, etc.
Is there income from affiliate marketing - sure there is. Is it enough for people to make the wild claims they do - to sustain a large living of it - NO! That is a pure scam (in my opinion) and I refuse to budge from my stance, unless shownotherwise (i.e. proven wrong).
Affiliate marketing benefits the company whose product/service you are selling.
Let me repeat that again, affiliate marketing benefits the company you are promoting --- not you!
Simple. 1000s of people sign up and promote their products in the hopes of making an income. If 1000s of people are actually promoting the product, then the products would be flying off the shelves - the sad reality of it is - they are not (in majority of the cases).
If you promote say a product from Amazon, the cookie is only valid for 24-hours! Now lets say you have 50,000 visitors a month, realistically, 100-150 or so will click in (I say this from experience and from having seen many high-traffic blogs, who do affiliate marketing). Out of this 100-150 clicks, they usually have 1-3 sales per month. That's it.
Those who claim that their cookie is valid for 45 days (good!), but what about the product? Either it is crap (a fact easily verified by the percentage of the income you would be getting back from the sale price), or the mere fact that 10,000+ people are promoting it. The chances of you making a sale is slim to none.
The amount of money you spend in promoting the blog and promoting the product, does not do justice to the income made. Many people will tell you of how to go about making 100s of sites with micro-niches, etc. and you will be raking in the money. Please go ahead and try and prove me wrong. I would love to see to the contrary.
Like I cited, affiliate income is there, but not enough to make a significant living from it. Most of the Long Sales Letters you will see, with screen shots of crazy income accumulated over a 24-hour period, etc. are all fake. 100% fake. Why is it that only in this industry (Internet Marketing / Affiliate Marketing) do you see those LONG winded sales letters and when you try to leave the page, a message pops up asking you (convincing you for the last time) not to walk away from this lucrative opportunity.
I have seen so called gurus on Warrior Forum go bankrupt and absolutely broke. I keep bringing Warrior Forum again and again, because it is highlighted as the mecca for internet and affiliate marketing. The people who really are making money are those who are selling their products and services. A person who makes a product for say amazing SEO plugin for WordPress is making money. The affiliates are not. For example, Thesis WordPress theme by DIY Themes is surely making money, their affiliates are "sooooooo" many (emphasis supplied), that the entire market is chopped up and distributed amongst the 1000s of affiliates and what each gets in turn, are a few $100 at best (if at all).
Its a numbers game for those starting out, and the odds are stacked against you. Why on earth would a person who has discovered a way or promotes a secret recipe of making $10,000s a month, share it with you for a few measly US$?
Answer - because that is the fraternity con.
All the other gurus would back each other and the novices like you and me, those who lie in bed all day, dreaming of how we could go online and make a very decent income and quit our jobs and take the vacations, get conned by these so called gurus, and money from our wallet (you will notice) will flow to 'them' be it in shape of SEO tactics, SEM, back links acquisitions, webpages setup, landing pages sales, mentorships, classes, plug-ins, robots, automated techniques, mailing list magic, 100% sure copy writing services, more secret recipes, analytical tools, more courses, e-books, more reading, the infamous "try harder, don't give up now" or "shampoo-wash-rinse-repeat" mantras that are constantly pounded into your subliminal mind.
Those with deep pockets, and I mean deep, who have the resources to buy 1000s of domains, lots of resources working for specialized micro-niche pages, and driving traffic to them, one way or the other, are making money. They have a wide spectrum of websites which is equally balanced with a wide spectrum of website traffic (very high traffic to very low traffic) and they average a very decent income. But they are not on these boards selling their secrets. They stay away from such crap and continue to focus on what works for them. They have the money to do very large scale buying of Adwords and other keywords to drive traffic to their website and keep you out on the periphery.
Every story you read about affiliate marketing, is like a cocaine story. There is a pusher in there, trying to promote or push their product or service to you, whilst at all time keeping you mesmerized by the promise of the big affiliate income source.
Its like when I was young and I read the "Emperor's New Clothes".... only a little boy could see that the Emperor riding on the horse was only in his undies...and if you continue to believe in this fable, that is all that you will have left.
Ask around for how many have been successful at affiliate marketing and what portion does it constitute of their overall income - the answer would be surprising for you - very little. Meagre in most cases.
Ask around to find someone who really made it - in affiliate marketing, and the answer is you won't find many. You will however find that most of them transition to some form of a product or service they sell to you, be it content writing, guru-ness teaching, learning the ropes, e-books, sales, etc. all to tell you how to make it in affiliate marketing world. Quite a contradiction.
The game is a loop.This answer is not about being venomous at all. But it is about letting people know - think before you take the leap. The internet has simply exploded with the false pretense of fast money, cars, vacations, debt-free living, beaches, jewelry, fine wines, villas by the beach and city condos.... I think you know better.
There is no harm in learning affiliate marketing. Maybe you could be the one who makes it and proves me wrong. If so, I shall have a lot of respect for you. But do so with care. Most of what is taught - is freely available on the Internet. Freely! You just have to be patient, and clever in seeking out the material and putting it all together. I don't expect everyone to 'get it' - and this is what cons rely on, they hope you don't get it and then con their way into making sure you are on the long but sure path of getting it - which sadly never arrives. You will be flustered, frustrated, angry and feel violated once you discover how much money you have wasted on it. For good orders sake, don't put your hand into your savings or college funds, retirement fund.
The only people I know off, who are making money, but still I have not seen an income statement to that effect and hence I am very cautious, are the people who run very large mailing lists. When you have numbers in the 25,000+ readers in your mailing list, it is very well possible to make affiliate money off them. However, having said this, there are two caveats to the above statement.
Many readers feel 'cheated' if a link they clicked on in your list, somehow made you money (yes, crazy thought, but it is true).
You cannot continually keep pitching affiliate links to your readers, else they will deem the list to be a source of spam, and unsibscribe themselves from your list.(Mailing) Lists are run like campaigns, spaced a few days apart. The income can be 'decent' provided the offering and the campaign was well thought of. However, I might add, it takes (months, if not years) to have such a list of so many people who opt-in, and the key point to note in lists is that they cater to a very specific vertical/niche. You can only market within that niche. Building such a huge list of subscribers takes a lot of money, so if the Question is can you make it - via lists, I would say, the jury is still out. I am 'convinced' it can be made, however, I have yet to see proof for the same. I don't know what the big deal is why people cannot share proof.
The affiliate marketing scam is equal in size if not greater in size to the Nigerian 401 scam. Yes, you really have a person willing to give you $ 1 Million. BS you say? Then how come you buy the same BS packaged in a different way, when someone tells you how you can make millions in affiliate marketing by buying their
Stay in this niche long enough, and you will unknowingly transform from an affiliate marketeer to a provider of services or a product (mark my words!). Then you too shall be trying to find newbies the 5,000+ people who are logged in on Warrior Forum or other places like Digital Point, etc. and be making a comfortable living, in trying to sell 'stuff' to these people (mostly genuine stuff but equally balanced by a lot of fraudulently pre-packed BS). And the best part is the newbies are in millions! Millions! Imagine the possibility of duping them!
The subliminal advertising is so convincing, you will be drawn to it - the gravity of making money always will lure you. My advise, keep your wallet/money away! Do NOT go on the impulsive shopping spree. The 1 day only left, or a limited time offer. It just never ends.
If you have any questions and/or comments on this subject, please feel free to ask in the comments section.

How To Earn $100-150$ as an Aweber Email Marketing Affiliate
Of course speaking of advantages, one reason I did sign-up for Aweber is I was aware of the affiliate program. Aweber costs at least $19.99 per month after the $1 month trial so I wanted to earn a bit of that back.
Aweber’s Affilate Marketing Program
The affiliate program is extremely simple to setup and a bit more difficult to earn from. Of course, you need to sign-up for their basic email marketing software (yes, this is an affiliate link) first and setup an actual list. If you’re interested just click thru and then click the green “Order” button. With any affiliate concept you had better use and enjoy the software before marketing it.
You then get a unique six digit Affiliate ID which attaches to your affiliate link and you’ll be emailed every time you earn a new commission. These emails really are few and far between but silver lining here is commissions with Aweber are recurring. You’ll usually earn 30c upon sign-up and $5.70 each month there-after in which your affiliate customer remains signed up!
How To Actually Make Money Email (Affiliate) Marketing
So how do you actually get affiliate commissions, aka how do you get people to sign-up via your Aweber link?
Well first off email marketing by itself is decent for earning money – you can promote products you’ve made or affiliate market other people’s products.
But in order to make money as an Aweber Affiliate your best options are IMHO:
Writing articles about aweber. Delivering eBooks which describe Aweber-ish processes (like “how to create an eBook” or “how to build an email list of over 1000 subs”). There are two good examples of this method at Smart Passive Income and Blog Tyrant. Creating YouTube videos which feature Aweber.
The idea here – like with any affiliate marketing campaign – is to show beginners how to better use a software and offer real help/value in the process with hopes someone will use your link.
Lastly, here’s an iPhone pic of my latest check for proof that this sort of earning is really possible:

Top 5 Ways to Make Money without Adsense Eran
You adsense is BANNED ? Why you blog if you don’t have adsense ?
I know you are thinking the same as I mentioned above But to be honest I don’t like adsense too much that’s reason I removed adsense from this blog. But if your don’t have adsense than you don’t need to worry about that as today we are discussing Top 5 Ways to Make Money without Adsense..
The dominance of Adsense in the ad serving market has seen it assuming tyrannical stand with the rejection rate for ad publishing applicants deplorably higher. However, with a plethora of other earning options available, there is no cause for heartbreak for gullible users.
We discuss top five sparkling alternatives to make money without adsense here. ;)
>Make money through Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing can become a veritable cash cow if capitalized upon ethically. One is required to promote the products of merchants or entrepreneurs and bag a handsome commission on each sale made at an attractive 20-70% depending upon the financial strength of the merchant. Superior quality products with strong brand presence, credibility and potential to deliver what is promised should be vigorously promoted through blogs, writing high quality articles, building a massive email list, participating in discussions on serious forums and writing product reviews. Low quality products should never be promoted through spamming and illegal blackhat techniques or one will face serious loss of reputation with fatal repercussions.
Make money selling ad spaces
Blogs dedicated to promoting high end products are sure to attract the attention and interest of marketers who would like serious audiences for their products on their sites. Selling banner ad spaces on blogs for a niche product with promise of diverting good amount of organic traffic will bring one a handsome chunk of income. The share of revenue will be comparably higher than Adsense as Ad networks sell the advertising space on blogs at about a whopping discount of 90% to marketers owing to profuse amount of selling space available with them. The potential advertiser should be allowed to offer their best price to fetch higher revenue and make money without adsense.
Use OIO Publisher plugin for WordPress to sell ad spaces with ease.
Make money Using Best Adsense Alternative
Adbrite and Chitika have emerged as the best alternatives to Adsense when it comes to displaying context sensitive ads. Their payouts are highly competitive. Adbrite shares the revenue in 75-25% in favor of blog owner. Chitika is the leading impulse merchandising company which gets the niche ads displayed through customized and novel ad boxes that deviate radically from accepted industry standards and complement the existing ad serving scenario. Chitika is the golden geese for ad publishers and the platform can be capitalized to earn daily ad revenue. The action based pay per call ads pay to publishers somewhere between 2 to 20 dollars per action. Adbrite and Chitika have offered unsuspecting users a new avenue to make money without adsense.
Here are best adsense alternatives that pays!
Make money by Writing Paid Reviews
Millions of people across the globe read blog posts every day. A company can generate tons of qualified traffic and have the spotlight on its products when it pays for paid reviews to be posted in context sensitive blogs pertaining to their niche products. This triggers word of mouth advertising, enhances link popularity, brand credibility and product exposure and also provides a chance to understand peculiar consumer tastes and behavioral trends. Ultimately the product page experiences a significant rise in search engine rankings. The companies pay handsomely to have their reviews covered in blogs with significant number of qualified visitors. One can earn amounts equivalent to that of adsense and this is slowly turning out to be a better alternative to make money without adsense.
Here are best websites you should join to get paid reviews offers quickly.
ReviewMe PayPerPostMake Money by Using In Text Ads
Publishing ‘In text ads’ on your blog by invoking the services of Infolinks will help in monetizing the site with highest revenue share from contextual in text ads. Only relevant ads are delivered which essentially improves the conversion rate and boosts the earning potential. You can join following sites to monetize blog using in text ads;
The pay per click ads can be easily integrated in the site and bring about a jumpstart in your earning and a new opportunity to make money without adsense.
Maria Sharapova’s Drug Scandal video
Sharapova's tennis is now a topic of discussion once again. But this time, it's for a history-making act she wants no part of. Sharapova is the first premier tennis star in history to fail a doping test, and has admitted to using the banned endurance-enhancing drug known as
meldonium. What Maria Sharapova admitted On Monday, March 7, Sharapova admitted that she had failed a doping test, because she had been using a substance called meldonium, which is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), for most of her pro career. But she says her failed test was due to the fact that meldonium was only recently banned and she failed to recognize the updated list. "I had been legally taking the medicine for the past 10 years, but on January 1 the rules had changed, and meldonium became a prohibited substance, which I had not known," she told reporters at a press conference in Los Angeles.
Many pro and Olympic-level athletes have a team of people who support them — lawyers, handlers, assistants, coaches, managers — to ensure that oversights like this don't happen. To give Sharapova the benefit of the doubt, perhaps she keeps her team small

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How To Use Font Awesome Divi Theme
Add The Font To Your Website
Then simply paste the following code anywhere between <head>…</head> tages of your <strong>header.php.</strong>
<link href=
Now go ahead
open up your social_icons.php file in your child theme.
"et-social-icon fa fa-vk"
*Keep in mind the colors used are based on the
Divi color scheme. You can modify the color code
the style.css
i.et-social-icon.fa.fa-vk {
font-size: 30px;
text-align: center;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
transition: color 300ms ease 0s;
color: #666;
text-decoration: none;
padding-left: 20px;
And now
the hover.

ডেমো প্যারামিটার সহ সংকেত
ফাংশনটি TRUE কিংবা FALSE (বুলিয়ান) রিটার্ন করবে। যদি $var
প্যারামিটারে অ্যারে দেন তাহলে TRUE আর যদি অ্যারে না হয় তাহলে FALSE
রিাটর্ন করবে।
এবার $city তে অ্যারের বদলে অন্য কিছু দিয়ে দেখুন আউটপুট false আসবে। যেমন
'not array but string'

১ম প্যারামিটার $glue হচ্ছে যেকোন আরেকটা স্ট্রিং এবং ২য় প্যারামিটার $pieces হল অ্যারে যেটার এলিমেন্ট জোড়া দিবেন। লক্ষ করুন প্যারামিটারগুলির সামনে string, array ইত্যাদি থাকে, এগুলি দিয়ে প্যারামিটারটি কি ধরনের (বা এর ডেটা টাইপ) হবে সেটা বুঝানো হয়।
ফাংশনটি অ্যারের এলিমেন্টগুলি জোড়া দিয়ে পরিবর্তিত স্ট্রিং রিটার্ন করবে।
উদাহরন : নিচে দেখুন $pnewstvঅ্যারের এলিমেন্টগুলিকে যোগ (+ চিহ্ন) দিয়ে জোড়া দিয়ে কিভাবে একটা স্ট্রিং তৈরী করেছি।
= implode(

PHP Form Validation Example
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <style> .error {color: #FF0000;} </style> </head> <body> <?php // define variables and set to empty values $nameErr = $emailErr = $genderErr = $websiteErr = ""; $name = $email = $gender = $comment = $website = ""; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (empty($_POST["name"])) { $nameErr = "Name is required"; } else { $name = test_input($_POST["name"]); // check if name only contains letters and whitespace if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/",$name)) { $nameErr = "Only letters and white space allowed"; } } if (empty($_POST["email"])) { $emailErr = "Email is required"; } else { $email = test_input($_POST["email"]); // check if e-mail address is well-formed if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $emailErr = "Invalid email format"; } } if (empty($_POST["website"])) { $website = ""; } else { $website = test_input($_POST["website"]); // check if URL address syntax is valid if (!preg_match("/\b(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i",$website)) { $websiteErr = "Invalid URL"; } } if (empty($_POST["comment"])) { $comment = ""; } else { $comment = test_input($_POST["comment"]); } if (empty($_POST["gender"])) { $genderErr = "Gender is required"; } else { $gender = test_input($_POST["gender"]); } } function test_input($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } ?> <h2>PHP Form Validation Example</h2> <p><span class="error">* required field.</span></p> <form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>"> Name: <input type="text" name="name"> <span class="error">* <?php echo $nameErr;?></span> <br><br> E-mail: <input type="text" name="email"> <span class="error">* <?php echo $emailErr;?></span> <br><br> Website: <input type="text" name="website"> <span class="error"><?php echo $websiteErr;?></span> <br><br> Comment: <textarea name="comment" rows="5" cols="40"></textarea> <br><br> Gender: <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female">Female <input type="radio" name="gender" value="male">Male <span class="error">* <?php echo $genderErr;?></span> <br><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"> </form> <?php echo "<h2>Your Input:</h2>"; echo $name; echo "<br>"; echo $email; echo "<br>"; echo $website; echo "<br>"; echo $comment; echo "<br>"; echo $gender; ?> </body> </html>
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