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How much time will I have to Invest as an Amazon Affiliate?

This is one of those businesses where the time you spend is directly related to how much you earn. It typically takes about 1 or 2 hours to create an Amazon affiliate website or blog. One website or blog can earn anywhere from $10 to a few hundred dollars, or even $1000 or more per month. The key to making more money is to have more than one website. Some of the largest professional Amazon affiliates --the ones who make a six-figure income, have dozens of these sites. But the average guy or gal like us probably has anywhere from three to ten. If you work full time and this will be a very part-time endeavor, you could spend two hours a week and build one website or blog per week. After ten weeks you would have ten sites generating income. If you don’t work, you could accomplish the same thing in two or three days.